Marieke A. Pieterman, M.S., M. Dipl. Ac., L.Ac., ADS
5247 Poteat Road, Cedar Grove, NC 27231

Alpha-Gal SAAT Treatment
“My wife and I both have been treated by Marieke and we have been eating pork and beef since the treatment for alpha gal. This woman is a healer! She is a blessing and is very knowledgeable about her work. Don't take my word for it, make an appointment and see for yourself! You won't regret it. What is your health worth to you?"
"Pleased with the manner in which I was treated and listened to during my visit for SAAT treatment.”
"Went to Stoney River in Chapel Hill last night and had a wedge salad with bacon and also ate a pork rib with zero reaction! I am extremely happy. So happy, I ate a bagel with bacon this morning. I wanted to thank you so much for helping me. Your expertise in working to overcome my meat allergy will always be a part of me. Thank you very much."

Allergy SAAT Treatment
“Just tried my first piece of avocado after your treatment and am shocked I'm not running to the bathroom feeling nauseous and needing to vomit!”
"I haven't been able to eat apples since I was little because they always made my mouth itch and water! I tried those Pink Lady apples you suggested and my mouth is absolutely fine! I am so excited I am eating an apple a day now without any issues!"
Gallstone Pain
“I went to Holistic Heart Acupuncture because my Dr wanted to address my gut pain by having my gallbladder taken out and I wasn’t going down that path unless it was absolutely necessary. According to the Dr the only way to treat my gallbladder stone was to cut out the gallbladder. Marieke treated me with needles hooked up to an e-stim device (DC electrical current). These treatments along with some natural remedies she suggested took my gut pain away and I am sure took my gallbladder stone away too!”

Raynaud’s Syndrome
"This is the first winter I have gone through in YEARS where I did not have to wear leg warmers, gloves, heated slippers, and have a space heater at my feet every day for my Raynaud’s! Thank you Marieke!”
Menopausal Sweats / Hot Flashes
"I had been on an estrogen patch for nearly 20 years and had tried many times to get off of it with no luck! ;-( After Marieke did acupuncture and put ear magnets in, my symptoms are nearly gone. It is such a relief to be finally off this medication!!”

Trigger Finger
"For a couple of years I had problems with a trigger finger that would cramp up sometimes and not relax. Marieke treated me with moxa and the cramping has not returned.”
Facial Rejuvenation
"I am not going to lie, some of the needles do hurt in the face, but it is worth it! I look in the mirror and now I don’t see an old sagging face. I can see a whole lot better now that my eyelids are lifted, no major surgery required now, and my skin feels so amazing! Thanks Marieke, I can tell my treatments are paying off!!!”
"Marieke has been my acupuncturist for a few years, treating neck pain and headaches. I have always been happy with the results. I had been getting Botox off and on for a couple of years and never really liked the way it looked. It made me look too stiff and I didn’t look like myself. And not to mention it was costly and only lasted a couple of months. So I talked with Marieke about Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture and I am so glad I did! After completing the full 12 treatments, the fine lines around my eyes had decreased and my forehead was smoother but best of all I looked like the best version of myself. I continue to get monthly treatments and each month I continue to see improvement. And I continue to get compliments! I am happy to say, “It’s the FRA!”

Kidney Stone Pain
"I was coming to see Marieke for something else, but she noticed I kept rubbing my lower back when we were talking. She found where the pain was really coming from and I nearly came off the table, I was in excruciating pain! She thought I might be passing a kidney stone. After the treatment, I could literally feel something move towards my spine and then come down through my lower back. Three days later I passed my kidney stone and my fever and pain were gone!”
Leg Cramps
"I’m an avid hiker and over the years I suffered from severe leg cramps. Marieke encouraged me to keep track of where the leg cramps occurred. She treated me 3 times and since then I have had only a few mild cramps and it’s been 5 months!”

Smoking Cessation
"I’ve only had 2 treatments so far, but I can already tell cigarettes no longer agree with me, 1 minute they taste fine, and the other minute they taste nasty!”

Leaky Gut / Elimination Detox Diet
“For 4 years now, I would self-diagnose myself with a “Crohn’s attack” that would last up to a week. My Doctor wanted me to spend over $3,000 to get tested but I didn't have the funds for that. My stomach would hurt every day right after breakfast. I was all blown up, even if I ate something small, it was SO weird! Marieke did acupuncture and suggested I should go on an elimination diet and take some herbs she recommended. I have lost over 20 pounds so far and I am pain free! I love how I feel now, and my husband can't keep his hands off of me!”
Neck Stiffness
"One morning I woke up with a really stiff neck. I tried Tiger Balm, but it didn’t make much difference. I called and had 2 sessions with Marieke and my neck has felt loose ever since. It worked!”

"My migraines are finally gone, and I can begin to live my life again. I can’t express how great it was to work with Holistic Heart Acupuncture, and I will surely be back again in the near future!”
"Holistic Heart Acupuncture has been a lifesaver for me! I originally just wanted to get treated for everything I was prescribed prescription medicine for, so I could move away from taking pills everyday. Not only was I able to do that, but even more! I have struggled with terrible migraines my whole adult life and have tried prescription medicine, every OTC pill, natural remedies, etc. It wasn't until I started getting acupuncture at Holistic Heart, where I finally had some relief from my migraines. Marieke has also helped me with shoulder pain, period relief and even nutrition! Holistic Heart has a private & relaxing treatment room and Marieke just makes you feel so comfortable with the whole process. If you have never tried acupuncture before, don't hesitate when it comes to Holistic Heart Acupuncture!"
"Marieke is an awesome and very compassionate acupuncturist. I have had migraines since I was 18 and lately they have been averaging 2-3 a week. They vary in intensity with very bad headaches lasting 3 days and possible vomiting. The migraines almost always begin with an “aura” or vision lost in one eye. The first time she treated me for migraines, was actually on the first day of a migraine. Within 45 minutes the headache was almost completely gone. And even more, I did not have another migraine for two weeks."
Cold & Flu Season
"They say there is no "cure" for the common cold? Well, I say they haven't tried acupuncture. Three weeks in and nothing working, I kicked it within two days of my Holistic Heart treatment. I know where I'll be heading next cold season . . .”

“I have had trouble sleeping on a regular basis, and have tried various vitamin and herbal supplements. Nothing had worked until I started getting acupuncture from Marieke. I found that after a treatment I will sleep for a number of days like a baby! Marieke is still working with me to treat not only the sleep but the root cause of my problem.”
The practitioner & the practice
"I trust and highly recommend Holistic Heart Acupuncture, Marieke, for all of your health issues. Her treatment room is so clean and peaceful. It is such a beautiful drive to get to her office. Marieke takes the time to REALLY LISTEN to your needs. How refreshing is that! It is nice to be treated without harmful medications or expensive unnecessary procedures. She follows up with you after your treatments and answered my many, many questions without ever rushing me.”
"The entire procedure was so much easier than I thought it would be. Marieke is such a wonderful care giver with a servant heart."
"Could not wait until my second appointment. Never done acupuncture before, the pain relief has been amazing! Thanks Marieke for all your tender loving care!"
"Marieke is very caring and listens well. She is getting to the heart of the problem and not just applying a "band-aid".
"Perfect place to start your day with God's caring hands and heart through Marieke."
"I finally feel like me again!"
"Wonderful acupuncturist! So excited to work with her on my health issues! Marieke really took the time to get to know me."
"Was a great experience Marieke and I learned a lot! I hope I can get some good results! Thanks you so much! I will let you know in a week what I discover!"
"Wonderful!!! I felt so cared for and listened to."
"I highly recommend Dr. Pieterman. She is very professional and knowledgeable. Also, I love the setup of her office."

Hip Pain
“Marieke was able to help me get back to walking my dog again without limping! I was also able to sleep again without the pain running down my leg waking me up!”
“My hip hurt most of the time for months. I did not want to go to the doctor for shots or one more pill. I am really afraid of needles so deciding on acupuncture was a major decision for me. I can say it did not hurt, and my hip pain is gone. Marieke is a thorough and caring professional.”
“Marieke relieved pain for me with my sciatic nerve which started after the birth of my third child, who is now 28! After 1 treatment for pain in my left leg and hip from the sciatic nerve, I was pain-free. I was able to make a 9-hour drive without pain. I now look to acupuncture to help me with my health before traditional medicine. Marieke cares very much for you as a person and wants to help you heal. She is an outstanding acupuncturist!”
Labor Induction
“Giving birth is such an intimate and emotional process and not only requires an intuitive person to quietly work and respond to your ever-changing needs, but also someone who is sensitive to your ever-fluctuating emotional state. Marieke is just such a person. My labor and delivery experience would have been so different without Marieke there and I am so thankful that she was part of my littlest’s journey into the world. Marieke is exceptional at what she does and I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking services prior to and during labor.”

Shingles / Herpes Zoster
"After 3 acupuncture treatments with Marieke, she relieved my pain and helped heal my shingles in 10 days compared to 4-6 weeks without treatment!”

Foot Pain
"I don’t know how it happened – maybe getting on and off the ladder all the time when I had painted a while back, but my feet would get really stiff and painful after laying or sitting a long time! I talked to a foot specialist and he wanted to order x-rays and put me on medication. I mentioned this to Marieke during my appointment and she said she could treat it without medication. It took several treatments, but the pain is finally all gone after living with it for 4 months!”